This journey through traditional design has a lot of diversions, but I’m learning so much along the way. As I previously discussed, exploring interior design from a robust perspective of interiors and exteriors makes me a better-informed
The summer weather has been warm and it’s a holiday weekend. Many of us are stepping outside our homes and enjoying the outdoors. In that spirit, I’m straying from typical interior design fare to share some travel inspirations for
How do you incorporate the things you are drawn to into your décor? Have you noticed any decorative themes emerge? What do you like to look at in your art pieces? What shapes or things do you see that make your heart happy? Themes I’ve seen in
Urns are containers that generally have a footed base and sculptural, bell-shaped curves that lead to a top opening. They might be lidded or have two handles. Decorative urns can be found outdoors as garden ornamentals with or without plantings