As part of the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art’s (ICAA) classical architecture certificate program, I traveled to Washington, D.C., to study classically-inspired buildings and learn measured drawing techniques. Measured drawing
This journey through traditional design has a lot of diversions, but I’m learning so much along the way. As I previously discussed, exploring interior design from a robust perspective of interiors and exteriors makes me a better-informed
Welcome to Part II of my Summer Project Updates. If you missed Part I, it covered several sewing projects. This update is about putting into action the traditional décor topics I’ve discussed in previous articles. Here’s a peek at how I’ve
Urns are containers that generally have a footed base and sculptural, bell-shaped curves that lead to a top opening. They might be lidded or have two handles. Decorative urns can be found outdoors as garden ornamentals with or without plantings
Is anything as visually satisfying as a set of decorative before and after pictures? They are so fun because you can appreciate the results in the contrasts. One of my favorite interior décor projects is this black-and-white-themed bathroom